

I arrived this morning in Hartford and was greeted by a welcome table in the Bradley airport, as well as a welcome registration table in my hotel. Overall, everything seems to be running smoothly and efficiently. Although the numbers are estimated to be high this year Hartford seems well equipped to handle us as we come in droves.

My very small plane was loaded with people all eager to get to synod. It's amazing that there can be so many of us from so many different places, and yet we all have the common bond of our affiliation with the UCC and our faith in God, it’s been a powerful experience so far and I have yet to get started! Wish me luck and I thank you for all of your support


  1. Dear Courtney, It is awesome that you are involved and serving in your church. I also attended a UCC synod as a teen. It was an enlightening and confusing experience. As a teen, I was strong in standing firm on absolute truth and speaking out about what God's word says. I was in high school in the early 70's and therefore was dealing with the aftermath of Woodstock and the hippy generation.
    The big debate at the UCC conference that I attended was abortion. I was appalled that the adults around me would argue in defense of abortion. In the depths of my being, I knew that abortion was wrong and not pleasing to the LORD. He knit us in the womb. He knows us before we are even born. How could they question the sanctity of life and say it is not at conception? Is it because of "Self" and putting man before God ? Have they abandoned the truth in God's word?
    Why am I telling you all this?
    Courtney, I do not want you to be deceived and make poor choices that affect you the rest of your life. (God loves the sinner, but will always hate sin. Sin always causes pain to many, not just the one committing the sin.)Please, always use God's Word, the Bible as your guide to the decisions that you and/or your church group make.
    (If you have a chance, attend Kay Arthur's precept Bible study. To really Know and understand who God is and what pleases Him, it is essential to study the Old Testament.)
    Do the decisions and resolutions of the UCC co-incide with the Word of God? Can you affirm Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior apart from His Word? No! He is the Word. To use John 17:21 "that they may all be one" as a motto and to take it out of context to pervert the Word of God affects many.
    The speakers that UCC had at their synod was evidence of their priorities. Theologian Peter Gomes is known for promoting the acceptance of homosexuality. Does that align with the word of God? Do Barak Obama's actions line up with the word of God? He supports Partial Birth Abortion, pro-homosexuality issues, and other anti-family issues. For more information, go to," On The Issues" or "Vote Smart" web site. Bill Moyers also a liberal and one who relishes in bashing the Founding Fathers and our great Christian Heritage disregards the monumental amount of evidence that contradicts his convoluted statements. With so many non-political solid mature sound Biblical leaders to choose from, why would a church choose speakers with known records that do not honor and glorify our LORD and His Word?
    Time and time again in the Old Testament the leaders lead the people to sin. That is why it is so important to pray for the Lord to lift up Godly leaders and support and vote for Godly leaders. It is also important to have Church leaders who fear the LORD and believe 100% in God's Word.
    I pray for a hedge of protection around you. I pray that the Lord will put mature Christians in your path who love God's Word and that God's Word be sealed in your heart.
    In His Love, Kim

  2. Kim - Thank you for your interest and your posting. You present yourself with great passion and at the same time great clarity, which is rare. While we may differ in theological perspectives I appreciate your willingness to speak up. In today’s society it is often difficult to talk about religion in any serious manner and for that I commend you.

    I also want to apologize that you felt alienated during your experience at synod as a youth. In my experience the UCC has always been a place where all are welcomed and where Christ’s love really does grow in a community of faith.

    My theological views obviously differ from yours in some respects (although we share many of the same beliefs as well). My faith has grown on the basis of a loose or non-literal interpretation of the bible. I constantly use it as a guide for my faith and for my life but it is just that, a guide.

    I do not speak for the United Church of Christ because so many people within the UCC have a differing theological perspective, which is one of my favorite things. I am a part of a diverse group of people who are all united by one thing: the power of God's love.

    Although I can respect your differing views I would appreciate it if you would not diminish my beliefs and my faith. Ultimately, it is God's place to judge who is right and who is wrong. My faith is strong and I believe full heartedly that the single most important thing we can do in today's world is love our neighbor as ourselves.

