

Saturday, the Ohio delegates to the Synod met at Westerville Community UCC (thank you for your gracious hospitality). It was a basic orientation to the Synod in general and more specifically our responsibilities as delegates. It was wonderful to be there with a mixture of delegates who have already attended a Synod (or several) and those (like me) who will be attending their first Synod this summer. Those who have had more experience were able to fill us in on what to expect. I have also asked them all to check out this space and fill in anything I might be missing.

The reason some have already served as delegates is that every elected delegate serves for four years, which is two synods. For instance, I will attend both the 2007 and 2009 synods. Also, some have served multiple terms as delegates. Others have gone to past synods as visitors - which I encourage all of you to do if you can! To do this go to the Synod site www.ucc.org/synod/ and register. All visitors must be registered and there is a fee. However, the big worship service is open to anyone and everyone. Also, if you are a youth, there are many youth groups going and it sounds like it would be a ton of fun! See http://www.ucc.org/youth/synod/ for more information!

On Saturday we went over the UCC bylaws that directly pertain to the General Synod. They're not what I would consider to be leisure reading, but they are fairly straightforward and much simpler than other sets of bylaws I have reviewed in the past. If you want to take a closer look they are online http://www.ucc.org/aboutus/constitution.htm and it is Article IX.

Staff to the Meeting and Assistant to the Collegium, Hans Holzangel, presented at the orientation. He drew our attention to the third article of the General Synod description in the bylaws because it outlines the procedures regarding special meetings of the General Synod. There might be a proposal for a general meeting that would continue discussion on the structure of the UCC. More information regarding the structural issues in question can be found at http://news.ucc.org.

We also took a look at the Standing rules for the Twenty-Sixth General Synod which can be found at http://www.ucc.org/synod/standing.pdf. These outline the specific procedures of how the business portion of synod will be conducted. For instance, as a delegate I must register when I arrive and I must bring my badge of identification and my voting card to each meeting. If I don’t have them with me, I cannot vote. Although the synod will follow Robert's Rules of order http://www.robertsrules.com/ there are other rules and regulations that are more specific for the synod.

An interesting aspect of synod is that each delegate will be assigned to a committee. These committees are determined randomly and delegates don't find out which committee they will be a part of until we get to Hartford. Each committee will do an in-depth analysis of one of the resolutions that will be brought to the entire synod for a vote. They take time to hear both sides of the issue and specialists are brought in to provide background information on the issue. I learned from a delegate who served in 2005 that committees were made up of 30-40 delegates. This, however, might change because there are fewer resolutions this year. After reviewing the issue, the committee creates a proposal for the synod and then the entire synod has an opportunity to vote on it.

By April first, I (along with all of the other delegates) will receive the formal versions of the resolutions that we will have the opportunity to vote on. We will also get biographical information of people nominated to boards in the UCC at the national level. If committees change the language in a resolution during synod or other formal motions are created each delegate must receive a printed version of it at least a half day before it is to be voted on. I've heard that delegates get so many papers that they can fill up two 3inch binders....which means a lot of reading for me! I will do my best to condense information for you and give you synopses as we go along! The most intimidating thing I heard at orientation was that if you get up to speak about a resolution or motion you have two minutes and there will be a giant clock that ticks down the time. And as you speak, you face the clock - talk about pressure!!!! However, I was glad to hear that there are exceptions made for those that need translations or if they have a disability that affects their ability to speak efficiently for 2 minutes.

As excited as I am to get down to business, there are also many other exciting things going on at synod this year. Because we are celebrating our 50th anniversary there will be what is being called 'synod in the city.' This will take place Saturday June 23rd in downtown Hartford. It sounds like it will be an amazing celebration; many talented speakers, musicians and vocalists are planning to be there. The list includes, Bill Moyers, Marian Wright Edelman, John Hockenberry, Ken Madema, Maria Otero and so many others! For their biographical information and the complete list go to http://www.ucc.org/50/synod_in_the_city.htm.

There will also be sponsored meals throughout. These are meals that are served by specific groups such as UCC coalition for LGBT concerns or Chicago Theological Seminary. They serve a meal and each guest pays a specific amount (20-42$) and they have speakers or a celebration. The meals look like they will be community building, interesting, often formative and spiritual experiences. However, space is limited and registration is required. The complete list can be found at http://www.ucc.org/synod/meals26.htm.

For youth and young adults that will be visiting, there is a full itinerary of events planned. Kick-off rallies, talent shows, a trip to a comedy club and a movie night, among others. In addition to the fun and community that they will experience, they will also have opportunities to serve the community and get to know more about the structure and values of the UCC.

It sounds as if the synod will be an amazing experience for all those involved -delegates and visitors alike. I can't wait to learn more and I plan to share it all with you. Leave a comment if there is something specific you would like me to address in my next post!!!

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